
About Us


We take an initiative to empower youth to the future. After a stupendous success in the past years by touching the lives of around 20,000 plus people we are back, bigger & better.

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Professio founded in Bangalore in the year 2018, by a team of 9 National Trainers who had an extensive experience of 20 years into training MSMEs and corporate clients. We are management consultancy firm and a Core Training Unit having expertise in Education institute Training, Corporate Training, HR Development, Strategy Building and Organizational Restructuring.

20+ Years





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Professio takes pride in introducing the 9 National Trainers to the world.
  1. Anil Dugar
  2. Hitesh Chajjed
  3. Hitesh Giriya
  4. Namita Dugar
  5. Neha Chowdhary
  6. Padam Sancheti
  7. Raksha Jain
  8. Sandeep Pokharna
  9. Vinod Modi


Today, Professio stand tall with 18+ years of experience in enriching businesses and is proud to be associated with Big brands like Gopalan, Surana College, Christ College, TCS, Wipro, Thompson Reuters, Vijayshree group of industries, JITO( Jain International Trade Organization), JCI ( Junior Chamber International) etc.  Our clients are most satisfied with the after training results. 

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